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Link To

<et2-link-to> | Et2LinkTo
Since 23.1


Choose an existing entry, VFS file or local file, and link it to the current entry.

If there is no “current entry”, link information will be stored for submission instead of being directly linked.


Name Description Reflects Type Default
accesskey Accesskey provides a hint for generating a keyboard shortcut for the current element. The attribute value must consist of a single printable character. string -
align Used by Et2Box to determine alignment. Allowed values are left, right string -
applicationList Limit to the listed applications (comma seperated) string -
autofocus Have browser focus this input on load. Overrides etemplate2.focusOnFirstInput(), use only once per page boolean -
class CSS Class. This class is applied to the outside, on the web component itself. Due to how WebComponents work, this might not change anything inside the component. string -
data Set the dataset from a CSV string -
Any attribute that refers to row content cannot be resolved immediately, but some like booleans cannot stay a string because it’s a boolean attribute. We store them for later, and parse when they’re fully in their row. If you are creating a widget that can go in a nextmatch row, and it has boolean attributes that can change for each row, add those attributes into deferredProperties - -
disabled Defines whether this widget is visibly disabled. The widget is still visible, but clearly cannot be interacted with. Widgets disabled in the template will not return a value to the application code, even if re-enabled via javascript before submitting. To allow a disabled widget to be re-enabled and return a value, disable via javascript in the app’s et2_ready() instead of an attribute in the template file. boolean false
Get the actual DOM ID, which has been prefixed to make sure it’s unique. string -
Get a list of feedback types string[] -
hidden The widget is not visible. As far as the user is concerned, the widget does not exist. Widgets hidden with an attribute in the template may not be created in the DOM, and will not return a value. Widgets can be hidden after creation, and they may return a value if hidden this way. boolean -
Get the ID of the widget string -
label The label of the widget Legacy support for labels with %s that get wrapped around the widget Not the best way go with webComponents - shouldn’t modify their DOM like this string -
noFiles Hide buttons to attach files boolean false
noLang Disable any translations for the widget boolean -
onlyApp Limit to just this application - hides app selection string -
parentId Parent is different than what is specified in the template / hierarchy. Widget ID of another node to insert this node into instead of the normal location string -
statustext Tooltip which is shown for this element on hover string -
WebComponent * - -
List of properties that get translated Done separately to not interfere with properties - if we re-define label property, labels go missing. - -
Types of validation supported by this FormControl (for instance ‘error’|‘warning’|‘info’) ValidationType[] -
Compatibility for deprecated name “needed”
use required instead
- -
Get property-values as object
use widget methods
object -
Lion mapping
- -
et2_widget compatability
Legacy compatability. Some legacy widgets check their parent to see whats allowed
array []
updateComplete A read-only promise that resolves when the component has finished updating.

Learn more about attributes and properties.


Name React Event Description Event Detail
et2-change EVENT NEEDS A DESCRIPTION CustomEvent
link.et2_link_to EVENT NEEDS A DESCRIPTION CustomEvent

Learn more about events.


Name Description Arguments
checkCreateNamespace() Checks whether a namespace exists for this element in the content array. If yes, an own perspective of the content array is created. If not, the parent content manager is used. Constructor attributes are passed in case a child needs to make decisions -
clone() Creates a copy of this widget. _parent: et2_widget
createElementFromNode() Create a et2_widget from an XML node. First the type and attributes are read from the node. Then the readonly & modifications arrays are checked for changes specific to the loaded data. Then the appropriate constructor is called. After the constructor returns, the widget has a chance to further initialize itself from the XML node when the widget’s loadFromXML() method is called with the node. _node: , _name:
createLink() Create links Using current value for one end of the link, create links to the provided files or entries _links: LinkInfo[]
et2HandleBlur() If the value is unchanged, put any held validation messages back Named et2HandleBlur to avoid overwriting handleBlur() in Shoelace components _ev: FocusEvent
et2HandleFocus() When input receives focus, clear any validation errors. If the value is the same on blur, we’ll put them back The ones from the server (ManualMessage) can interfere with submitting. Named et2HandleFocus to avoid overwriting handleFocus() in Shoelace components _ev: FocusEvent
getArrayMgr() Returns the array manager object for the given part managed_array_type: string
getArrayMgrs() Returns an associative array containing the top-most array managers. _mgrs: object
getChildren() Get child widgets Use .children to get web component children -
getInputNode() Get input to e.g. set aria-attributes -
getInstanceManager() Returns the instance manager -
getPath() Returns the path into the data array. By default, array manager takes care of this, but some extensions need to override this -
getRoot() Returns the base widget Usually this is the same as getInstanceManager().widgetContainer -
handleEntryCleared() An entry was selected, but instead of clicking “Link”, the user cleared the selection event:
handleEntrySelected() An entry has been selected, ready to link event:
handleFilesUploaded() Files have been uploaded (successfully), ready to link event:
handleLinkDeleted() Handle a link being removed Event is thrown every time a link is removed (from a LinkList) but we only care if the entry hasn’t been saved yet and has no ID. In this case we’ve been keeping the list to submit and link server-side so we have to remove the deleted link from our list. e: CustomEvent
isValid() Used by etemplate2 to determine if we can submit or not messages:
loadFromXML() Loads the widget tree from an XML node _node:
loadingFinished() Needed for legacy compatability. promises: Promise[]
parseXMLAttrs() The parseXMLAttrs function takes an XML DOM attributes object and adds the given attributes to the _target associative array. This function also parses the legacyOptions. N.B. This is only used for legacy widgets. WebComponents use transformAttributes() and do their own handling of attributes. _attrsObj: , _target: object, _proto: et2_widget
resetAfterLink() A link was attempted. Reset internal values to get ready for the next one. -
set_label() NOT the setter, since we cannot add to the DOM before connectedCallback() TODO: This is not best practice. Should just set property, DOM modification should be done in render value: string
setArrayMgr() Sets the array manager for the given part _part: string, _mgr: object
setArrayMgrs() Sets all array manager objects - this function can be used to set the root array managers of the container object. _mgrs: object
setInstanceManager() Set the instance manager Normally this is not needed as it’s set on the top-level container, and we just return that reference manager: etemplate2
submit() Called whenever the template gets submitted. We return false if the widget is not valid, which cancels the submission. _values:
validate() Massively simplified validate, as compared to what ValidatorMixin gives us, since ValidatorMixin extends FormControlMixin which breaks SlSelect’s render() We take all validators for the widget, and if there’s a value (or field is required) we check the value with each validator. For array values we check each element with each validator. If the value does not pass the validator, we collect the message and display feedback to the user. We handle validation errors from the server with ManualMessages, which always “fail”. If the value is empty, we only validate if the field is required. skipManual:
_handleClick() Click handler calling custom handler set via onclick attribute to this.onclick _ev: MouseEvent
_labelTemplate() Common sub-template to add a label. This goes inside the form control wrapper div, before and at the same depth as the input controls. -
_link_result() Sent some links, server has a result success: Object
_oldChange() Change handler calling custom handler set via onchange attribute _ev: Event
_set_label() Do some fancy stuff on the label, splitting it up if there’s a %s in it Normally called from updated(), the “normal” setter stuff has already been run before this is called. We only override our special cases (%s) because the normal label has been set by the parent value: string
_setAriaAttributes() Set aria-attributes on our input node -
destroy() et2_widget compatability
set_class() Set the widget class
Use this.class or this.classList instead
new_class: string
set_disabled() Wrapper on this.disabled because legacy had it.
Use widget.disabled for visually disabled, widget.hidden for visually hidden. Widgets that are hidden from the server via attribute or $readonlys will not be created. Widgets that are disabled from the server will not return a value to the application code.
value: boolean
set_statustext() supports legacy set_statustext
use this.statustext
value: string

Learn more about methods.